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Tutu Alicante recieving the Magnitsky Human Rights Award

Governance and Accountability

The UK’s decision to sanction Teodorin Obiang is a welcome decision for the people of Equatorial Guinea. It’s a step in the right direction which reminds us that corruption always claims victims.


Despite our oil wealth, the majority of citizens live without access to drinking water or decent schools.

Tutu Alicante

Executive Director

EG Justice

What We Do

We promote transparency and accountability in public and private institutions to encourage responsibility and minimise the corrosive economic, political, social, environmental and human impacts of corruption, considered to be one of the key barriers to sustainable development.


This work often looks beyond the place of origin of corruption, to effective means of enforcement, which entails holding corporations and governments to account across the developed world.

Why We Do It

Illicit financial flows lock many countries in the world in a cycle of underdevelopment and conflict. 


Corruption in public procurement, including in the award of government contracts, distorts competition and results in citizens not receiving value for money spent in government contracts.


Perpetrators of corruption often go untouched in jurisdictions that turn a blind eye to this behaviour. Sanctions enable foreign governments to use tools, such as asset freezing and visa bans, as a means to discourage corrupt behaviour in other jurisdictions. By contributing to the expansion of global anti-corruption sanctions regimes worldwide, we are reducing the spaces for kleptocrats to launder public funds that could otherwise be dedicated towards sustainable development and poverty reduction.


At the same time, environmental crime and corruption, such as wildlife trafficking, natural resource theft, pollution and deforestation, threatens biodiversity and socio-economic stability, and exacerbates discrimination and inequality. 

How We Do It

We assist our partners with capacity building, legislative drafting, analysis of gaps in implementation of standards, and the development of systems in relation to existing or proposed governance and accountability laws and policies. In this way, we help ensure that laws and policies are not only meeting international best practices but are also best suited for the local context.


We hold public officials and wrongdoers accountable, supporting or pushing governments to adhere to their governance and accountability commitments. This enables our partners to ensure that public officials take the necessary steps to establish fair processes in public administration, based on transparency, inclusivity and objectivity in decision-making.


We ensure that laws and policies are both enacted and effectively implemented and actioned. We aid civil society and governments in overseeing adherence to international and regional standards, provide trainings, and empower partners to undertake impactful litigation and leverage Magnitsky-style sanctions for domestic effect.

Case Studies

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